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samedi 18 avril 2015

Safety Tips When Using The Wood Fireplaces

By Stella Gay

Winter months are cold months. It is in these months that people will have a need for a fireplace. Wooden fireplaces in Hamilton Ontario are getting more and more popular these days, considering that they are safe and efficient to use. Speaking of safe, be sure to employ safety measures when using the said fireplace. Here are some you can follow for that.

First, you should pick only those dry and cured wood to burn. Technically speaking, you should only burn those logs which have been split, stacked, and dried for a period of eight to twelve months. Pick hardwood if you want it to burn the longest. Less dense woods can burn well when dried sufficiently but you need to add more wood often.

Strictly only use firewood to burn in the chimney. No matter how many types of treated wood you have in your home, you have to avoid using them. Wood such as construction scraps, crates, painted wood, or lumber can release chemicals, which in turn compromise the house's air quality. That can be really bad for you.

The bifold glass door is an important structure to pay close attention to when you are burning fire. For a traditional wooden chimney, you must keep the said door open so that the heat disperses inside your room. For the factory-built ones, you should close it since it already has a circulating fan that manages that heat dispersal.

For the fireplace, you should install the chimney cap as soon as possible. This is to prevent any object, snow, or rain to fall into the fireplace. This is also the best way for you to reduce any downdrafts. The caps have the side vents which allow the smoke to escape so there should be no problem in installing it into your fireplace.

Sealing dampers have its purpose in the fireplace. When you locate any poorly sealing damper, it is a must to have them replaced at the soonest time possible if you do not want to suffer from heat loss. You should try to replace traditional dampers with the top-mounted ones too since not only can this act as a rain cap but it provides tighter closure too.

Have detectors installed not only in the chimney but in your rooms as well. These are detectors that alert you when something is wrong. There is the carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors that can help you avoid situation were lives might be at stake. You can prevent disasters by installing these detectors.

Maintenance and cleaning should be done on a regular schedule. These are two works that can ensure that a fireplace remains operational. You must get a fireplace cleaned on a regular basis, maybe twice a year. The cleaning should also be done by the professionals on the said field.

There should be many other safety measures you can follow when you are using the fireplace. It is imperative that you learn of these safety tips if you desire to get through the winter season without any accidents. Following the safety measures you know of can not only save you trouble but may also save lives so you should do that.

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