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vendredi 3 avril 2015

The Function Of Drain Tube After Surgery

By Aimee Schwartz

Surgeries have been around for several years now. And as the equipment have improved, you can also see that there is an improvement when it comes to the procedures and the speed of the operation. As you can notice in most movies, there are always several equipment and tools being used in surgeries. There are several tools being used during the actual operation and there are those that are applied right after the operation is done.

For example, there are surgical drains. You can see that there are times when drain tube after surgery is attached near the place where they performed the operation. It is still being used today. However, there are always debates regarding the need for it. Of course, there are also risks to be considered when using this. And because of the many unresolved issues, the medical community has different stand points in this.

The drain tube is attached to make sure that the fluids do not accumulate in certain spaces, especially in the parts where the operation was conducted. This is also done to drain gas. Aside from possible complications, this is can also be the source of infections.

When it comes to choosing whether the tube should be connected or not, the decision would be based on the direction of the surgeon in charge. They are also the ones to decide which part of the body will the tube be attached. Aside from that, the type of the drain will be decided by the surgeon as well. These are crucial points in ensuring that drains would work as they are supposed to.

When it comes to the tubes, there are numerous choices to pick from. But the basis for choosing would be based on the purpose that it will have and the need of the patient for it. For example, the substance that needs to be drained is liquid, there are particular tubes for this. It is also the same for gas drainage.

Most of the drains have simple mechanisms. Most of them can be attached to a suction source. The suction source is how they can drain the fluids. There is a certain pressure to be set so that the device can be effective. When it is not being used, it can be turned off as well. It is important to take note of the amount of pressure.

There are times when the tube can be dislodged or removed from the attachment. It is important that this should be corrected immediately because it will surely lead to infection or irritation. You have to remember that the drain is inserted in a certain part of the body. It is usually removed when patients are transferred from one place to another.

Having the drain can have several functions. First would be the measurement of the liquid being drained. The system also needs these fluids. However, it is important that they do not accumulate in a certain area because it would be life threatening for the patient. The measurement is done to determine the amount of fluid to be replaced.

The staff will also monitor the amount. Sudden changes may indicate that there is something wrong with the affected area. This is one of the ways that the surgeons can prevent the complications from worsening.

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