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dimanche 29 mars 2015

What You Need To Know About Atmosphere Water Generator

By Iva Cannon

During desperate time, you may need desperate measures like purchasing an atmospheric water extractor to make clean and safe water for drinking. An AWG is a device used to harvest moisture from the atmosphere in an environmental friendly way. When clean and safe water for drinking is scarce, using an AGW is an efficient way to produce it. There are some things that any individual ought to know before deciding to purchase or use an atmosphere water generator.

The basic components of this device are just like a domestic fridge, air conditioner or a dehumidifier with the addition of a few other components. They include: evaporator, condenser, pump, filters, capillary tubes, water lines, compressor and a fan. These components are normally found in a cooling-condensation type of device. For wet desiccation process, the components are different since chemicals, and many others, are also used.

The pump and compressor forces the refrigerant for condensation and evaporation processes through the condenser and evaporator respectively. This process requires dew point to be attained so that it facilitate condensation of air. For continuity of this process, a fan is mounted on the air-entry point. Water that drops from the air is collected by the pipes and capillary tubes. Bacteria and particles present in the air are filter out.

For smooth operation of this process, minimum requirements must be met. Humidity must be at least 30% while temperatures should be at an average of 28 degrees Celsius. For better results, the altitude should not be too high. In wet desiccation method environmental factors does not affect any of the processes like in the cooling condensation method which depends of perfect surrounding conditions.

The market is filled with many type of atmosphere generators all made to fit different areas of applications. These generators are used to provide clean water both in large scale industrial application such as military as well as domestic purpose in small scale use. For home purposes, the simple rather type of process is used to extract moisture from air while desiccation is applied in commercial production.

The cost of acquiring a new unit varies depending on the size and application. Therefore, it is an investment that you ought to prepare for well in advance before committing yourself. Domestic units are relatively cheaper compared to commercial ones hence, be sure to save up or look for alternative financing if you have trouble with buying one.

Individuals who find it difficult to buy new ones due to cost need not to worry since they can make one at home as a DIY project. A few components are needed to complete this project and may include: a dehumidifier, filters, tubes and voltage regular among other small parts all cutting the cost by a sixth of the new one. There are guide books and instructions online to help you complete assembly by yourself.

Depending on where you reside from, you can find an atmospheric generator in a local consumer electronics store. For ease access, these stores have strong online presence as well as online shopping platforms that will guarantee you ease search and ultimately the purchase. It is wise to conduct wide research on available types, cost and offers of the best atmospheric water generators

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